Seite 131 - The Great Controversy 1888 (1888)

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Luther Before the Diet
Luther, still unshaken, declared, “Though there should be as many
devils at Worms as there are tiles on its roofs, I would enter.”
Upon his arrival at Worms, a vast crowd flocked to the gates to
welcome him. So great a concourse had not assembled to greet the
emperor himself. The excitement was intense, and from the midst
of the throng a shrill and plaintive voice chanted a funeral dirge, as
a warning to Luther of the fate that awaited him. “God will be my
defense,” said he, as he alighted from his carriage.
The papists had not believed that Luther would really venture
to appear at Worms, and his arrival filled them with consternation.
The emperor immediately summoned his councillors to consider what
course should be pursued. One of the bishops, a rigid papist, declared:
“We have long consulted on this matter. Let your majesty rid yourself
of this man at once. Did not Sigismund bring John Huss to the stake?
We are under no obligation either to give or to observe the safe-conduct
of a heretic.” “Not so,” said the emperor; “we must keep our promise.”
It was therefore decided that the reformer should be heard.
All the city were eager to see this remarkable man, and a throng
of visitors soon filled his lodgings. Luther had scarcely recovered
from his recent illness; he was wearied from the journey, which had
occupied two full weeks; he must prepare to meet the momentous
events of the morrow, and he needed quiet and repose. But so great
was the desire to see him, that he had enjoyed only a few hours’
rest, when noblemen, knights, priests, and citizens gathered eagerly
about him. Among these were many of the nobles who had so boldly
demanded of the emperor a reform of ecclesiastical abuses, and who,
says Luther, “had all been freed by my gospel.” Enemies, as well as
friends, came to look upon the dauntless monk, but he received them
with unshaken calmness, replying to all with dignity and wisdom. His
bearing was firm and courageous. His pale, thin face, marked with the
traces of toil and illness, wore a kindly and even joyous expression.
The solemnity and deep earnestness of his words gave him a power that
even his enemies could not wholly withstand. Both friends and foes
were filled with wonder. Some were convinced that a divine influence
attended him; others declared, as had the Pharisees concerning Christ,
“He hath a devil.”
On the following day, Luther was summoned to attend the Diet. An
imperial officer was appointed to conduct him to the hall of audience;