Seite 133 - The Great Controversy 1888 (1888)

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Luther Before the Diet
been read, Luther replied that as to the first question, he acknowledged
the books to be his. “As to the second,” he said, “seeing it is a question
which concerns faith, the salvation of souls, and the Word of God,
which is the greatest and most precious treasure either in Heaven or
earth, it would be rash and perilous for me to reply without reflec-
tion. I might affirm less than the circumstances demand, or more than
truth requires; in either case I should fall under the sentence of Christ:
‘Whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my
Father which is in Heaven.’ [
Matthew 10:33
] For this reason I entreat
your imperial majesty, with all humility, to allow me time, that I may
answer without offending against the Word of God.”
In making this request, Luther moved wisely. His course convinced
the assembly that he did not act from passion or impulse. Such calm-
ness and self-command, unexpected in one who had shown himself
bold and uncompromising, added to his power, and enabled him after-
ward to answer with a prudence, decision, wisdom, and dignity, that
surprised and disappointed his adversaries, and rebuked their insolence
and pride.
The next day he was to appear to render his final answer. For
a time his heart sunk within him as he contemplated the forces that
were combined against the truth. His faith faltered; fearfulness and
trembling came upon him, and horror overwhelmed him. Dangers
multiplied before him, his enemies seemed about to triumph, and the
powers of darkness to prevail. Clouds gathered about him, and seemed
to separate him from God. He longed for the assurance that the Lord
of hosts would be with him. In anguish of spirit he threw himself with
his face upon the earth, and poured out those broken, heart-rending
cries, which none but God can fully understand.
“O God,” he pleaded, “Almighty God everlasting! How dreadful is
the world! Behold how it opens its mouth to swallow me up, and how
small is my faith in thee! ... If I am to depend upon any strength of this
world—all is over.... The knell is struck.... Sentence is gone forth....
O thou my God! help me against all the wisdom of this world. Do
this, I beseech thee ... by thine own mighty power.... The work is not
mine, but thine. I have no business here.... I have nothing to contend
for with the great men of the world.... But the cause is thine, ... and
it is righteous and everlasting.... O faithful and unchangeable God!
I lean not upon man.... Whatever is from man is tottering, whatever