Seite 137 - The Great Controversy 1888 (1888)

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Luther Before the Diet
displayed, as well as the power and clearness of his reasoning, filled all
parties with surprise. The emperor, moved to admiration, exclaimed,
“The monk speaks with intrepid heart and unshaken courage.” Many of
the German princes looked with pride and joy upon this representative
of their nation.
The partisans of Rome had been worsted; their cause appeared in
a most unfavorable light. They sought to maintain their power, not by
appealing to the Scriptures, but by a resort to threats, Rome’s unfailing
argument. Said the spokesman of the Diet, “If you do not retract, the
emperor and the States of the empire will proceed to consider how to
deal with an obstinate heretic.”
Luther’s friends, who had with great joy listened to his noble
defense, trembled at these words; but the doctor himself said calmly,
“May God be my helper! for I can retract nothing.”
He was directed to withdraw from the Diet, while the princes
consulted together. It was felt that a great crisis had come. Luther’s
persistent refusal to submit, might affect the history of the church for
ages. It was decided to give him one more opportunity to retract. For
the last time he was brought into the assembly. Again the question
was put, whether he would renounce his doctrines. “I have no other
answer to give,” he said, “than I have already given.” It was evident
that he could not be induced, either by promises or threats, to yield to
the mandate of Rome.
The papist leaders were chagrined that their power, which had
caused kings and nobles to tremble, should be thus despised by a
humble monk; they longed to make him feel their wrath by torturing
his life away. But Luther, understanding his danger, had spoken to all
with Christian dignity and calmness. His words had been free from
pride, passion, and misrepresentation. He had lost sight of himself,
and of the great men surrounding him, and felt only that he was in
the presence of One infinitely superior to popes, prelates, kings, and
emperors. Christ had spoken through Luther’s testimony with a power
and grandeur that for the time inspired both friends and foes with
awe and wonder. The Spirit of God had been present in that council,
impressing the hearts of the chiefs of the empire. Several of the
princes boldly acknowledged the justice of Luther’s cause. Many
were convinced of the truth; but with some the impressions received
were not lasting. There was another class who did not at the time