Seite 149 - The Great Controversy 1888 (1888)

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Swiss Reformer
him by flatteries; and meanwhile the truth was gaining a hold upon the
hearts of the people.
Zwingle’s labors at Einsiedeln had prepared him for a wider field,
and this he was soon to enter. After three years here, he was called to
the office of preacher in the cathedral at Zurich. This was then the most
important town of the Swiss confederacy, and the influence exerted
here would be widely felt. The ecclesiastics by whose invitation he
came to Zurich were, however, desirous of preventing any innovations,
and they accordingly proceeded to instruct him as to his duties.
“You will use your utmost diligence,” they said, “in collecting the
revenues of the chapter—not overlooking the smallest item. You will
exhort the faithful, both from the pulpit and in the confessional, to pay
all dues and tithes, and to testify by their offerings the love which they
bear to the church. You will be careful to increase the income that
arises from the sick, from masses, and in general from all ecclesiastical
ordinances.” “As to the administration of the sacraments, preaching,
and personally watching over the flock,” added his instructors, “these
also are among the duties of the priest. But for the performance of
these, you may employ a vicar to act in your stead,—especially in
preaching. You are to administer the sacraments only to persons of
distinction, and when especially called upon; you are not allowed to
administer them indiscriminately to people of all ranks.”
Zwingle listened in silence to this charge, and in reply, after ex-
pressing his gratitude for the honor of a call to this important station,
he proceeded to explain the course which he proposed to adopt. “The
history of Jesus,” he said, “has been too long kept out of the peo-
ple’s view. It is my purpose to lecture upon the whole of the Gospel
according to St. Matthew, drawing from the fountains of Scripture
alone, sounding all its depths, comparing text with text, and putting
up earnest and unceasing prayers, that I may be permitted to discover
what is the mind of the Holy Spirit. It is to the glory of God, to the
praise of his only Son, to the salvation of souls, and their instruction in
the true faith, that I desire to consecrate my ministry.” Though some of
the ecclesiastics disapproved his plan, and endeavored to dissuade him
from it, Zwingle remained steadfast. He declared that he was about to
introduce no new method, but the old method employed by the church
in earlier and purer times.