Seite 473 - The Great Controversy 1888 (1888)

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Character and Aims of the Papacy
the lofty domes and pillared aisles of her grand cathedrals, cannot fail
to impress the mind with awe and reverence.
This outward splendor, pomp, and ceremony, that only mocks the
longings of the sin-sick soul, is an evidence of inward corruption. The
religion of Christ needs not such attractions to recommend it. In the
light shining from the cross, true Christianity appears so pure and
lovely that no external decorations can enhance its true worth. It is
the beauty of holiness, a meek and quiet spirit, which is of value with
Brilliancy of style is not necessarily an index of pure, elevated
thought. High conceptions of art, delicate refinement of taste, often
exist in minds that are earthly and sensual. They are often employed
by Satan to lead men to forget the necessities of the soul, to lose sight
of the future, immortal life, to turn away from their infinite Helper,
and to live for this world alone.
A religion of externals is attractive to the unrenewed heart. The
pomp and ceremony of the Catholic worship have a seductive, be-
witching power, by which many are deceived; and they come to look
upon the Roman Church as the very gate of Heaven. None but those
who have planted their feet firmly upon the foundation of truth, and
whose hearts are renewed by the Spirit of God, are proof against her
influence. Thousands who have not an experimental knowledge of
Christ will be led to accept the forms of godliness without the power.
Such a religion is just what the multitudes desire.
The church’s claim to the right to pardon, causes the Romanist to
feel at liberty to sin; and the ordinance of confession, without which
her pardon is not granted, tends also to give license to evil. He who
kneels before fallen man, and opens in confession the secret thoughts
and imaginations of his heart, is debasing his manhood, and degrading
every noble instinct of his soul. In unfolding the sins of his life to a
priest,—an erring, sinful mortal, and too often corrupted with wine
and licentiousness,—his standard of character is lowered, and he is
defiled in consequence. His thought of God is degraded to the likeness
of fallen humanity; for the priest stands as a representative of God.
This degrading confession of man to man is the secret spring from
which has flowed much of the evil that is defiling the world, and fitting
it for the final destruction. Yet to him who loves self-indulgence, it
is more pleasing to confess to a fellow-mortal than to open the soul