Seite 559 - The Great Controversy 1888 (1888)

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Controversy Ended
thy judgments are made manifest.” [
Revelation 15:4
.] Every question
of truth and error in the long-standing controversy has now been made
plain. The results of rebellion, the fruits of setting aside the divine
statutes, have been laid open to the view of all created intelligences.
The working out of Satan’s rule in contrast with the government of
God, has been presented to the whole universe. Satan’s own works
have condemned him. God’s wisdom, his justice, and his goodness
stand fully vindicated. It is seen that all his dealings in the great
controversy have been conducted with respect to the eternal good of
his people, and the good of all the worlds that he has created. “All
thy works shall praise thee, O Lord; and thy saints shall bless thee.”
Psalm 145:10
.] The history of sin will stand to all eternity as a witness
that with the existence of God’s law is bound up the happiness of all
the beings he has created. With all the facts of the great controversy in
view, the whole universe, both loyal and rebellious, with one accord
declare, “Just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints.”
Before the universe has been clearly presented the great sacrifice
made by the Father and the Son in man’s behalf. The hour has come
when Christ occupies his rightful position, and is glorified above
principalities and powers and every name that is named. It was for
the joy that was set before him,—that he might bring many sons
unto glory,—that he endured the cross and despised the shame. And
inconceivably great as was the sorrow and the shame, yet greater is the
joy and the glory. He looks upon the redeemed, renewed in his own
image, every heart bearing the perfect impress of the divine, every face
reflecting the likeness of their King. He beholds in them the result
of the travail of his soul, and he is satisfied. Then, in a voice that
reaches the assembled multitudes of the righteous and the wicked, he
declares, “Behold the purchase of my blood! For these I suffered; for
these I died; that they might dwell in my presence throughout eternal
ages.” And the song of praise ascends from the white-robed ones about
the throne, “Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and
riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory, and blessing.”
Revelation 5:12
Notwithstanding that Satan has been constrained to acknowledge
God’s justice, and to bow to the supremacy of Christ, his character
remains unchanged. The spirit of rebellion, like a mighty torrent,
again bursts forth. Filled with frenzy, he determines not to yield the