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The Great Controversy 1888
They learned that the judgment sits in heaven before the coming of the
Lord; that the judgment of the righteous is fully accomplished while
Jesus is yet their advocate before the father’s throne; that eternal life is
instantly given to the saints when their saviour comes, which is proof
that they have been judged and acquitted.
With the light on the third message they also received light on
the sanctuary and its cleansing, by which they understood that the
antitypical work of the Day of Atonement, which was accomplished
in the most holy place, was that which was pointed out by the message
which they had given. They saw that there were two veils or doors
in the temple of God (
Hebrews 9:3
), and that at that time one was
shut and the other was opened. With earnest zeal and new hope they
preached these truths, and urged their fellow-men to seek an entrance
by faith into the most holy place within the second veil, where our
great High Priest is gone to blot out the sins of all his faithful ones,
from Abel to the present time.
Note 8. Page 435—
Revelation 14:6, 7
, Foretells the proclama-
tion of the first angel’s message. Then the prophet continues: “there
followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, ... And
the third angel followed them.” The word here rendered “followed,”
means, in constructions like that in this text, “to go with.” Liddell
and Scott render the word thus: “to follow one, go after or with him.”
Robinson says: “To follow, to go with, to accompany anyone.” It is
the same word that is used in
Mark 5:24
: “And Jesus went with him;
and much people followed him, and thronged him.” It is also used of
the redeemed one hundred and forty-four thousand, where it is said:
“these are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth.”
elation 14:4
. In both these places it is evident that the idea intended
to be conveyed is that of going together, in company with. So in
Corinthians 10:4
, where we read of the children of Israel that “they
drank of that spiritual rock that followed them,” the word “followed”
is translated from the same Greek word, and the margin has it, “went
with them.” From this we learn that the idea in
Revelation 14:8, 9
, Is
not simply that the second and third angels followed the first in point
of time, but that they went with it. The three messages are but one
threefold message. They are three only in the order of their rise. But
having risen, they go on together, and are inseparable.