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The Great Controversy 1888
a scheme of government which puts man in the place of God. That
is precisely the theory upon which the papacy was built, and that is
just what the papacy is. The national reform theory is identical with
that of the papacy; therefore the establishment of the national reform
theory in this government will be but the setting up of a living image
of the papacy. Advocating, as these parties are, the papal theory, it is
not to be wondered at that they are anxious to secure the co-operation
of the papacy in carrying their scheme to success. The Christian
Statesman is the official organ of the National Reform Association,
and in an editorial, December 11, 1884, that paper said: “We cordially,
gladly, recognize the fact that in the South American republics, and
in France and other European countries, the Roman Catholics are the
recognized advocates of national Christianity, and stand opposed to
all the proposals of secularism.... whenever they are willing to co-
operate in resisting the progress of political atheism, we will gladly
join hands with them. In a World’s Conference for the Promotion of
Christianity—which ought to be held at no distant day—
many countries could be represented only by Roman Catholics.” And
in that same paper, August 31, 1881, Rev. Sylvester Scovil said: “This
common interest [“of all religious people in the Sabbath”—Sunday
ought both to strengthen our determination to work, and our readiness
to co-operate in every way with our Roman Catholic fellow-citizens.
We may be subjected to some rebuffs in our first proffers, and the time
is not yet come when the Roman church will consent to strike hands
with other churches—as such; but the time has come to make repeated
advances, and gladly to accept co-operation in any form in which they
may be willing to exhibit it. It is one of the necessities of the situation.
The nexus between the two great divisions of Christianity on questions
of moral legislation is a thing worthy the consideration of our best
minds and our men of largest experience in such affairs.” In perfect
accord with this is the encyclical of Pope Leo XIII., 1885, which
directs that “all Catholics should do all in their power to cause the
constitutions of states, and legislation, to be modeled on the principles
of the true church, and all Catholic writers and journalists should never
lose sight, for an instant, from the view of the above prescriptions.”
Therefore as the purpose of the national reform association is identical
with that of rome, it is only to be expected that they should show a
readiness to “gladly join hands.” And whenever Protestantism gains