Seite 111 - Gospel Workers 1915 (1915)

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Propriety of Deportment
the control of reason and conscience that we are dragged down. Paul
declared, “I can do all things through Christ.” [
Philippians 4:13
* * * * *
If you draw close to Jesus, and seek to adorn your profession by a
well-ordered life and godly conversation, your feet will be kept from
straying into forbidden paths. If you will only watch, continually watch
unto prayer, if you will do everything as if you were in the immediate
presence of God, you will be saved from yielding to temptation, and
may hope to be kept pure, spotless, and undefiled till the last. If you
hold the beginning of your confidence firm unto the end, your ways
will be established in God, and what grace has begun, glory will crown
in the kingdom of our God. The fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, peace,
long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance;
against such there is no law. If Christ be within us, we shall crucify
the flesh with the affections and lusts.