Seite 132 - Gospel Workers 1915 (1915)

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Gospel Workers 1915
truth has silently cut its way to the heart. God has spoken to the soul;
and in the day of final account, His faithful ministers will stand with
the trophies of redeeming grace, to give honor to Christ.
No one can tell what is lost by attempting to preach without the
unction of the Holy Spirit. In every congregation there are souls who
are hesitating, almost decided to be wholly for God. Decisions are
being made; but too often the minister has not the spirit and power of
the message, and no direct appeals are made to those who are trembling
in the balance.
In this age of moral darkness, it will take something more than dry
theory to move souls. Ministers must have a living connection with
God. They must preach as if they believe what they say. Living truths,
falling from the lips of the man of God, will cause sinners to tremble,
and the convicted to cry out, Jehovah is my God; I am resolved to be
wholly on the Lord’s side.
Never should the messenger of God cease his strivings for greater
light and power. He should toil on, pray on, hope on, amid discour-
agement and darkness, determined to gain a thorough knowledge of
the Scriptures and to come behind in no gift. As long as there is one
soul to be benefited, he should press forward with new courage at
every effort. So long as Jesus has said, “I will never leave thee, nor
forsake thee,” [
Hebrews 13:5
.] so long as the crown of righteousness
is offered to the overcomer, so long as our Advocate pleads in the
sinner’s behalf, ministers of Christ should labor with hopeful, tireless
energy and persevering faith.
Men who assume the responsibility of giving to the people the
word from the mouth of God, make themselves accountable for the
influence they exert on their hearers. If they are true men of God, they
will know that the object of preaching is not to entertain. It is not
merely to convey information, nor to convince the intellect.
The preaching of the word should appeal to the intellect and should
impart knowledge, but it should do more than this. The minister’s
utterances, to be effectual, must reach the hearts of his hearers. He
should not bring amusing stories into his preaching. He must strive to
understand the soul’s great need and longing. As he stands before his
congregation, let him remember that there are among his hearers those
who are wrestling with doubt, almost in despair, well-nigh hopeless;
those who, constantly harassed by temptation, are fighting a hard battle