Seite 146 - Gospel Workers 1915 (1915)

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Gospel Workers 1915
inefficiency of their own efforts, in contrast with those of the Son of
God, will keep them humble, distrustful of self, and will lead them
to rely on Christ for strength to do their work. Habitually dwelling
upon Christ and His all-sufficient merits, increases faith, quickens the
power of spiritual discernment, strengthens the desire to be like Him,
and brings an earnestness into prayer that makes it efficacious.
Irrelevant Anecdotes—Ministers should not make a practice of
relating irrelevant anecdotes in connection with their sermons; for
this detracts from the force of the truth presented. The relation of
anecdotes or incidents that create a laugh or a light thought in the
minds of the hearers is severely censurable. The truth should be
clothed in chaste, dignified language; and the illustrations used should
be of a like character.
* * * * *
How to Overcome Inattention—Often a minister is obliged to
preach in a crowded, overheated room. The listeners become drowsy,
their senses are benumbed, and it is almost impossible for them to
grasp the truths presented.
If, instead of preaching to them, the speaker would try to teach
them, speaking in a conversational tone and asking them questions,
their minds would be aroused to activity, and they would be able more
clearly to comprehend the words spoken.
* * * * *
Small Congregations—Do not become discouraged when there
are only a few present to listen to a discourse. Even if you have but
two or three hearers, who knows whether there may not be one with
whom the Spirit of the Lord is striving? The Lord may give you a
message for that one soul, and he, if converted, may be the means of
reaching others. All unknown to you, the results of your labor may be
multiplied a thousand-fold.
Do not look at the empty seats, and let your faith and courage sink;
but think of what God is doing to bring His truth before the world.
Remember that you are co-operating with divine agencies—agencies
that never fail. Speak with as much earnestness, faith, and interest as
if there were thousands present to listen to your voice.