Seite 162 - Gospel Workers 1915 (1915)

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Gospel Workers 1915
as the lost sheep; and unless divine love comes to his rescue, he can
never find his way to God. Then with what compassion, what sorrow,
what persistence, should the under-shepherd seek for lost souls! How
willingly should he endure self-denial, hardship, privation!
There is need of shepherds who, under the direction of the Chief
Shepherd, will seek for the lost and straying. This means the bearing
of physical discomfort and the sacrifice of ease. It means a tender
solicitude for the erring, a divine compassion and forbearance. It
means an ear that can listen with sympathy to heart-breaking recitals
of wrong, of degradation, of despair and misery.
The spirit of the true shepherd is one of self-forgetfulness. He
loses sight of self in order that he may work the works of God. By
the preaching of the word and by personal ministry in the homes of
the people, he learns their needs, their sorrows, their trials; and, co-
operating with the great Burden-bearer, he shares their afflictions,
comforts their distresses, relieves their soul-hunger, and wins their
hearts to God. In this work the minister is attended by heavenly angels,
and he himself is instructed and enlightened in the truth that maketh
wise unto salvation.
* * * * *
In our work, individual effort will accomplish much more than can
be estimated. It is for the want of this that souls are perishing. One
soul is of infinite value; Calvary speaks its worth. One soul won to
Christ, will be instrumental in winning others, and there will be an
ever-increasing result of blessing and salvation.