Seite 166 - Gospel Workers 1915 (1915)

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Gospel Workers 1915
intrepid purpose, meet and overcome these difficulties. Sow the seed
in faith, and with an unsparing hand.
* * * * *
Much depends upon the manner in which you meet those whom
you visit. You can take hold of a person’s hand in greeting in such a
way as to gain his confidence at once, or in so cold a manner that he
will think you have no interest in him.
We should not act as if it were a condescension to come in contact
with the poor. They are as precious in God’s sight as we are, and we
must act as if we thought them so. Our clothing should be plain and
simple, so that when we visit the poor, they will not be embarrassed by
the contrast between our appearance and their own. The joy that comes
to the poor is often very limited, and why should not God’s workers
carry rays of light into their homes? We need the tender sympathy of
Jesus; then we can win our way to hearts.