Seite 168 - Gospel Workers 1915 (1915)

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Gospel Workers 1915
sin. His disciples, who are the teachers of His word, should closely
imitate their great Exemplar.
* * * * *
In new fields, much prayer and wise labor are needed. There are
wanted, not merely men who can sermonize, but those who have an
experimental knowledge of the mystery of godliness, and who can
meet the urgent needs of the people,—those who realize the importance
of their position as servants of Jesus, and will cheerfully take up the
cross that He has taught them how to bear.
It is highly important that a pastor mingle much with his people,
and thus become acquainted with the different phases of human nature.
He should study the workings of the mind, that he may adapt his
teachings to the intellect of his hearers. He will thus learn that grand
charity which is possessed only by those who study closely the nature
and needs of men.