Seite 209 - Gospel Workers 1915 (1915)

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Minister and Manual Work
industry are a rebuke to indolence and a desire for ease.—
The Acts of
the Apostles, 346-355
* * * * *
The failure of some of our ministers to exercise all the organs
of the body proportionately, causes some organs to become worn,
while others are weak from inaction. If wear is left to come almost
exclusively upon one organ or set of muscles, the one most used must
become overwearied and greatly weakened.
Each faculty of the mind and each muscle has its distinctive of-
fice, and all must be equally exercised in order to become properly
developed and to retain healthful vigor. Each organ has its work
to do in the living organism. Every wheel in the machinery must
be a living, active, working wheel. All the faculties have a bearing
upon one another, and all need to be exercised in order to be properly
Testimonies for the Church 3:310