Seite 264 - Gospel Workers 1915 (1915)

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Gospel Workers 1915
No matter by whom light is sent, we should open our hearts to
receive it with the meekness of Christ. But many do not do this. When
a controverted point is presented, they pour in question after question,
without admitting a point when it is well sustained. O, may we act as
men who want light! May God give us His Holy Spirit day by day,
and let the light of His countenance shine upon us, that we may be
learners in the school of Christ.
* * * * *
When a doctrine is presented that does not meet our minds, we
should go to the word of God, seek the Lord in prayer, and give no place
for the enemy to come in with suspicion and prejudice. We should
never permit the spirit to be manifested that arraigned the priests and
rulers against the Redeemer of the world. They complained that He
disturbed the people, and they wished He would let them alone; for He
caused perplexity and dissension. The Lord sends light to us to prove
what manner of spirit we are of. We are not to deceive ourselves.
In 1844, when anything came to our attention that we did not
understand, we kneeled down and asked God to help us take the right
position; and then we were able to come to a right understanding and
see eye to eye. There was no dissension, no enmity, no evil-surmising,
no misjudging of our brethren. If we but knew the evil of the spirit of
intolerance, how carefully would we shun it!
* * * * *
We are to be established in the faith, in the light of the truth given
us in our early experience. At that time one error after another pressed
in upon us; ministers and doctors brought in new doctrines. We would
search the Scriptures with much prayer, and the Holy Spirit would
bring the truth to our minds. Sometimes whole nights would be devoted
to searching the Scriptures, and earnestly asking God for guidance.
Companies of devoted men and women assembled for this purpose.
The power of God would come upon me, and I was enabled clearly to
define what is truth and what is error.
As the points of our faith were thus established, our feet were
placed upon a solid foundation. We accepted the truth point by point,