Seite 270 - Gospel Workers 1915 (1915)

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Gospel Workers 1915
given by inspiration of God, are “profitable for doctrine, for reproof,
for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God
may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” [
2 Timothy
3:16, 17
.] Take the Bible as your study-book. All can understand its
Christ calls upon His people to believe and practice His word.
Those who receive and assimilate this word, making it a part of every
action, of every attribute of character, will grow strong in the strength
of God. It will be seen that their faith is of heavenly origin. They will
not wander into strange paths. Their minds will not turn to a religion
of sentimentalism and excitement. Before angels and before men, they
will stand as those who have strong, consistent Christian characters.
In the golden censer of truth, as presented in Christ’s teachings,
we have that which will convict and convert souls. Proclaim, in the
simplicity of Christ, the truths that He came to this world to proclaim,
and the power of your message will make itself felt. Do not advocate
theories or tests that Christ has never mentioned, and that have no
foundation in the Bible. We have grand, solemn truths for the people.
“It is written” is the test that must be brought home to every soul.
Let us go to the word of God for guidance. Let us seek for a
“Thus saith the Lord.” We have had enough of human methods. A
mind trained only in worldly science will fail to understand the things
of God; but the same mind, converted and sanctified, will see the
divine power in the Word. Only the mind and heart cleansed by the
sanctification of the Spirit can discern heavenly things.
Brethren, in the name of the Lord I call upon you to awake to your
duty. Let your hearts be yielded to the power of the Holy Spirit, and
they will be made susceptible to the teachings of the Word. Then you
will be able to discern the deep things of God.
May God bring His people under the deep movings of His Spirit!
May He arouse them to see their peril, and to prepare for what is
coming upon the earth!
* * * * *
We must not for a moment think that there is no more light, no
more truth, to be given us. We are in danger of becoming careless, by
our indifference losing the sanctifying power of truth, and composing