Seite 295 - Gospel Workers 1915 (1915)

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social qualities, have not acquired that genial spirit that wins its way
to the hearts of the people.
Those who seclude themselves from the people are in no condition
to help them. A skilful physician must understand the nature of various
diseases, and must have a thorough knowledge of the human structure.
He must be prompt in attending to the patients. He knows that delays
are dangerous. When his experienced hand is laid upon the pulse of the
sufferer, and he carefully notes the peculiar indication of the malady,
his previous knowledge enables him to determine the nature of the
disease, and the treatment necessary to arrest its progress.
As the physician deals with physical disease, so does the pastor
minister to the sin-sick soul. And his work is as much more important
than that of the physician as eternal life is more valuable than temporal
existence. The pastor meets with an endless variety of temperaments;
and it is his duty to become acquainted with the members of the
families that listen to his teachings, in order to determine what means
will best influence them in the right direction.