Seite 298 - Gospel Workers 1915 (1915)

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Gospel Workers 1915
become absorbed in the real-estate craze, and have sold their interest
in the truth for the prospect of worldly advantage.
There are many who hold themselves away from the service of God,
because they desire worldly gain; and Satan uses them to lead others
astray. The tempter comes to men as he came to Jesus, presenting
the glory of the world; and when a measure of success attends their
ventures, they become greedy for more gain, lose their love for the
truth, and their spirituality dies. The immortal inheritance, the love of
Jesus, is eclipsed to their vision by the fleeting prospects of this world.
* * * * *
The people will seldom rise higher than their minister. A world-
loving spirit in him has a tremendous influence upon others. The
people make his deficiencies an excuse to cover their own world-loving
spirit. They quiet their consciences, thinking that they may be free to
love the things of this life and be indifferent to spiritual things, because
their ministers are so. They deceive their own souls, and remain in
friendship with the world, which the apostle declares to be “enmity
against God.” [
Romans 8:7
.] Ministers should be examples to the flock.
They should manifest an undying love for souls, and the same devotion
to the cause which they desire to see in the people.—
Testimonies for
the Church 2:645, 646
* * * * *
We are nearing the close of time. We want not only to teach present
truth in the pulpit, but to live it out of the pulpit. Examine closely the
foundation of your hope of salvation. While you stand in the position
of a herald of truth, a watchman upon the walls of Zion, you cannot
have your interest interwoven with mining or real-estate business, and
at the same time do effectually the sacred work committed to your
hands. Where the souls of men are at stake, where eternal things are
involved, the interest cannot safely be divided.—
Testimonies for the
Church 5:530