Seite 326 - Gospel Workers 1915 (1915)

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Gospel Workers 1915
all upon a point that can be said, when a few arguments will cover
the ground, and be sufficient for all practical purposes, to convince or
silence opponents.
You may remove every prop today, and close the mouths of objec-
tors so that they can say nothing, and tomorrow they will go over the
same ground again. Thus it will be, over and over, because they do not
love the truth, and will not come to the light, lest their darkness and
error should be removed from them.
Christ’s ministry lasted only three years, but a great work was done
in that short period. In these last days there is a great work to be done
in a short time. While many are getting ready to do something, souls
will perish for lack of light and knowledge.
If men who are engaged in presenting and defending the truth of the
Bible, undertake to investigate and show the fallacy and inconsistency
of men who dishonestly turn the truth of God into a lie, Satan will stir
up opponents enough to keep their pens constantly employed, while
other branches of the work will be left to suffer. We must have more
of the spirit of those men who were engaged in building the walls
of Jerusalem. We are doing a great work, and cannot come down.
If Satan can keep men answering the objections of opponents, thus
hindering them from doing the most important work for the present
time, his object is accomplished.