Seite 328 - Gospel Workers 1915 (1915)

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Gospel Workers 1915
In this age of the world a demand for a discussion is not real
evidence of earnest desire on the part of the people to investigate the
truth, but comes through the love of novelty and the excitement which
generally attends discussions. God is seldom glorified or the truth
advanced in these combats. Truth is too solemn, too momentous in
its results, to make it a small matter whether it is received or rejected.
To discuss truth for the sake of showing opponents the skill of the
combatants, is ever poor policy; for it does very little to advance the
Opponents of the truth will show skill in misstating the positions
of its defenders.... They will generally deride sacred truth, and place it
in so false a light before the people that minds that are darkened by
error and polluted by sin, do not discern the motives and objects of
these designing men in thus covering up and falsifying important truth.
Because of the men who engage in them, there are few discussions that
it is possible to conduct upon right principles. Sharp thrusts are too
frequently given, personalities are indulged in, and often both parties
descend to sarcasm and witticism. The love of souls is lost in the
greater desire for the mastery. Prejudice, deep and bitter, is often the
Many choose darkness rather than light, because their deeds are
evil. But there are those who, if the truth had been presented in a differ-
ent manner, under different circumstances, giving them a fair chance
to weigh the arguments for themselves, and to compare scripture with
scripture, would have been charmed by its clearness, and would have
taken hold of it.
It has been very indiscreet for our ministers to publish to the world
the wily sophistry of error, furnished by designing men to cover up
and make of no effect the solemn, sacred truth of Jehovah. These
crafty men who lie in wait to deceive the unwary, give their strength
of intellect to perverting the word of God. The inexperienced and
unsuspecting are deceived to their ruin. It has been a great error to
publish to all the arguments wherewith opponents battle against the
truth of God; for in so doing minds of every class are furnished with
arguments which many of them had never thought of. Some one must
render an account for this unwise generalship.
Arguments against the sacred truth, subtle in their influence, af-
fect minds that are not well informed in regard to the strength of the