Seite 337 - Gospel Workers 1915 (1915)

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Religious Liberty
record as uttering that which would make us appear antagonistic to
law and order. We are not to say or do anything that would necessarily
close up our way. We are to go forward in Christ’s name, advocating
the truths committed to us. If we are forbidden by men to do this work,
then we may say, as did the apostles, “Whether it be right in the sight
of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye. For we
cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.” [
4:19, 20
The Acts of the Apostles, 68, 69
* * * * *
Luther’s pen was a power, and his writings, scattered broadcast,
stirred the world. The same agencies are at our command, with facili-
ties multiplied a hundred-fold. Bibles, publications in many languages,
setting forth the truth for this time, are at our hand, and can be swiftly
carried to all the world. We are to give the last warning of God to men,
and what should be our earnestness in studying the Bible, and our zeal
in spreading the light!—
Testimonies for the Church 6:403