Seite 34 - Gospel Workers 1915 (1915)

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Gospel Workers 1915
women who have hearts that can feel for the ignorant and for those
that are out of the way.
The Lord teaches these workers how to meet those whom He
wishes them to help. They will be encouraged as they see doors
opening for them to enter places where they can do medical missionary
work. Having little self-confidence, they give God all the glory. Their
hands may be rough and unskilled, but their hearts are susceptible to
pity; they are filled with an earnest desire to do something to relieve
the woe so abundant; and Christ is present to help them. He works
through those who discern mercy in misery, gain in the loss of all
things. When the Light of the world passes by, privileges appear in all
hardships, order in confusion, the success and wisdom of God in that
which has seemed to be failure.
My brethren and sisters, in your ministry come close to the people.
Uplift those who are cast down. Treat of calamities as disguised
blessings, of woes as mercies. Work in a way that will cause hope to
spring up in the place of despair.
The common people are to take their place as workers. Sharing
the sorrows of their fellow-men as the Saviour shared the sorrows of
humanity, they will by faith see Him working with them.
“The great day of the Lord is near, it is near, and hasteth greatly.”
Zephaniah 1:14
.] To every worker I would say: Go forth in humble
faith, and the Lord will go with you. But watch unto prayer. This is the
science of your labor. The power is of God. Work in dependence upon
Him, remembering that you are laborers together with Him. He is your
Helper. Your strength is from Him. He will be your wisdom, your
righteousness, your sanctification, your redemption. Wear the yoke of
Christ, daily learning of Him His meekness and lowliness. He will be
your comfort, your rest.—
Testimonies for the Church 7:270-272
* * * * *
The Saviour knows the depths of the world’s misery and despair,
knows by what means to bring relief. He sees on every hand souls
in darkness, bowed down with sin and sorrow and pain. But He sees
also their possibilities. He sees the height to which they may attain.
Although human beings have abused their mercies, wasted their talents,