Seite 341 - Gospel Workers 1915 (1915)

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Our Attitude in Regard to Politics
lay members, are to arise and shine; for great peril is right upon us.
Satan is stirring up the powers of earth. Everything in this world is in
confusion. God calls upon His people to hold aloft the banner bearing
the message of the third angel....
God’s children are to separate themselves from politics, from any
alliance with unbelievers. They are not to link their interests with
the interests of the world. “Give proof of your allegiance to Me,” He
says, “by standing as My chosen heritage, as a people zealous of good
works.” Do not take part in political strife. Separate from the world,
and refrain from bringing into the church or school ideas that will lead
to contention and disorder. Dissension is the moral poison taken into
the system by human beings who are selfish. God wants His servants
to have clear perceptions, true and noble dignity, that their influence
may demonstrate the power of truth.
The Christian life is not to be a haphazard, emotional life. True
Christian influence, exerted for the accomplishment of the work God
has appointed, is a precious agency, and it must not be united with
politics, or bound up in a confederacy with unbelievers. God is to be
the center of attraction. Every mind that is worked by the Holy Spirit
will be satisfied with Him.—
MS., June 16, 1899
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“None of us liveth to himself.” [
Romans 14:7
.] Let those who are
tempted to take part in politics, remember that every move they make
has its influence upon others. When ministers or others in responsible
positions make remarks in regard to these matters, they cannot gather
up the thoughts they have planted in human minds. Under Satan’s
temptations they have set in operation a train of circumstances leading
to results of which they little dream. An act, a word, a thought, cast into
the minds of the great concourse of humanity, if it bears the heavenly
endorsement, will yield a harvest of precious fruit; but if it is inspired
by Satan, it will cause the root of bitterness to spring up, whereby
many will be defiled. Then let the stewards of God’s grace in any line
of service, beware how they mingle the common with the sacred.
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