Seite 348 - Gospel Workers 1915 (1915)

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Gospel Workers 1915
camp-meetings are held, young men who have received an education
in medical lines should feel it their duty to act a part. They should be
encouraged not only to work in medical lines, but also to speak upon
the points of present truth, giving the reason why we are Seventh-day
Adventists. These young men, if given an opportunity to work with
older ministers, will receive much help and blessing....
Properly conducted, the camp-meeting is a school where pastors,
elders, and deacons can learn to do more perfect work for the Master.
It should be a school where the members of the church, old and young,
are given an opportunity to learn the way of the Lord more perfectly, a
place where believers can receive an education that will help them to
help others....
* * * * *
One night, previous to an important meeting, I seemed in my
sleeping hours to be in meeting with my brethren, listening to One
who spoke as having authority. He said:
“Many souls will attend this meeting who are honestly ignorant
of the truths that will be presented. They will listen and become
interested, because Christ is drawing them; conscience tells them that
what they hear is true, for it has the Bible for its foundation. The
greatest care is needed in dealing with these souls.
“Let such portions of the message be dealt out to them as they
may be able to grasp and appropriate. Though it should appear strange
and startling, many will recognize with joy that new light is shed on
the word of God; whereas, if new truths were presented in so large a
measure that they could not comprehend them, some would go away
and never come again. Some, in their efforts to tell it to others, would
misrepresent what they had heard. Some would so wrest the Scriptures
as to confuse other minds.
“Those who will study the manner of Christ’s teaching, and educate
themselves to follow His way, will attract and hold large numbers now,
as Christ held the people in His day. At every meeting, Satan will
be on the ground, that he may obtrude his hellish shadow between
man and God, to intercept every ray of light that might shine on the
soul. But when the truth in its practical character is urged upon the