Seite 351 - Gospel Workers 1915 (1915)

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Less Preaching, More Teaching
disciples would tell them what the Scriptures said, and what Christ
had taught that they said.—
Testimonies for the Church 6:87, 88
* * * * *
The great Teacher brought His hearers in contact with nature, that
they might listen to the voice which speaks in all created things; and as
their hearts became tender and their minds receptive, He helped them
to interpret the spiritual teaching of the scenes upon which their eyes
rested. The parables, by means of which He loved to teach lessons of
truth, show how open His spirit was to the influences of nature, and
how He delighted to gather the spiritual teaching from the surroundings
of daily life. The birds of the air, the lilies of the field, the sower and
the seed, the shepherd and the sheep,—with these Christ illustrated
immortal truth. He drew illustrations also from the events of life, facts
of experience familiar to the hearers,—the leaven, the hid treasure, the
pearl, the fishing net, the lost coin, the prodigal son, the houses on the
rock and the sand. In His lessons there was something to interest every
mind, to appeal to every heart.—
Education, 102