Seite 373 - Gospel Workers 1915 (1915)

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Houses of Worship
upon the members of the church. Let every one do his best. When
there is a will to do, God will open the way. He does not design that
His cause shall be trammeled with debt.
God calls for self-sacrifice. This will bring not only financial but
spiritual prosperity. Self-denial and self-sacrifice will work wonders
in advancing the spirituality of the church
* * * * *
The test question for every Christian to ask himself is, “Have I, in
my inmost soul, supreme love for Christ? Do I love His tabernacle?
Will not the Lord be honored by my making His sacred institution
my first consideration? Is my love for God and my Redeemer strong
enough to lead me to deny self? When tempted to indulge in pleasure
and selfish enjoyment, shall I not say, No, I will spend nothing for my
own gratification while the house of God is burdened with debt?”
Our Redeemer claims far more than we give Him. Self interposes
its desire to be first; but the Lord claims the whole heart, the entire
affections. He will not come in as second. And should not Christ have
our first and highest consideration? Should He not demand this token
of our respect and loyalty? These things underlie our very heart-life,
in the home circle and in the church. If the heart, the soul, the strength,
the life, is surrendered wholly to God, if the affections are given wholly
to Him, we shall make Him supreme in all our service. When we are in
harmony with God, the thought of His honor and glory comes before
everything else. No person is preferred before Him in our gifts and
offerings. We have a sense of what it means to be partners with Christ
in the sacred firm.
The house where God meets with His people will be dear and
sacred to every one of His loyal children. It will not be left crippled
with debt. To allow such a thing would appear almost like a denial of
your faith. You will be ready to make a great personal sacrifice if only
you may have a house free from debt, where God can meet with and
bless His people.
Every debt upon every house of worship among us may be paid
if the members of the church will plan wisely and put forth earnest,
zealous effort to cancel the debt. And in every case where a debt
is lifted, let there be a service of thanksgiving, which shall be as