Seite 384 - Gospel Workers 1915 (1915)

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Gospel Workers 1915
and confuses minds, and shrouds in mystery the things that are most
plain and simple. If there is that love among brethren which will lead
them to esteem others better than themselves, there will be a giving
up of their own ways and wishes to others. It is our duty to study,
daily and hourly, how we may answer the prayer of Christ, that His
disciples may be one, as He and the Father are one. Precious lessons
may be learned by keeping our Saviour’s prayer before the mind, and
by acting our part to fulfill His desire.
In our business connection with the work of God, and in handling
sacred things, we cannot be too careful to guard against a spirit of
irreverence; never, for an instant, should the word of God be used
deceitfully, to carry a point which we are anxious to see succeed.
Honor, integrity, and truth must be preserved at any cost to self. Our
every thought, word, and action should be subject to the will of Christ.
Levity is not appropriate in meetings where the solemn work and word
of God are under consideration. The prayer has been offered that
Christ shall preside in the assembly, and impart His wisdom, His grace
and righteousness. Is it consistent to take a course that will be grievous
to His Spirit and contrary to His work?
Let us bear in mind that Jesus is in our midst. Then an elevating,
controlling influence from the Spirit of God will pervade the assembly.
There will be manifested that wisdom which is “from above,” which
is “first pure, then peaceable, ...full of mercy and good fruits,” [
.] which cannot err. In all the plans and decisions there will be that
charity that “seeketh not her own;” that is “not easily provoked;” that
“thinketh no evil;” that “rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the
truth;” that “beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things,
endureth all things.” [
1 Corinthians 13:5-7
* * * * *
Let every one who sits in council and committee meetings write
in his heart the words, “I am working for time and for eternity; and I
am accountable to God for the motives that prompt me to action.” Let
this be his motto. Let the prayer of the psalmist be his prayer; “Set a
watch, O Lord, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips. Incline
not my heart to any evil thing.” [
Psalm 141:3, 4
Testimonies for
the Church 7:258, 259