Seite 391 - Gospel Workers 1915 (1915)

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Wise Distribution of Means
In some conferences it has been considered commendable to save
up means, and to show a large surplus in the treasury. But in this God
has not been honored. It would have been better if the money thus laid
by had been wisely expended in supporting diligent, efficient laborers
in needy fields.
In their efforts to economize, our brethren should be careful lest
they restrict the investment of means where wise investment is needed.
In establishing schools and sanitariums, enough land should be pur-
chased to provide for the carrying out of the plans that the Lord has
outlined for these institutions. Provision should be made for the raising
of fruit and vegetables, and, wherever possible, sufficient land should
be secured so that others may not erect, near the institution, buildings
of an objectionable character.
Sometimes, when a work has been brought to a certain stage of
development, and those who have labored earnestly in its behalf have
called for further needed help, they have been repulsed, and have not
been given the advantages that would have made their work effective.
This has brought discouragement to their hearts, and has hindered
the cause of God. Those who have been fearful of undertaking work
in the great cities, because it means earnest labor and the investment
of means, need to understand the magnitude of the gift that the Lord
made in giving His Son to save the world. Our cities may be worked
if men will trust in God, and labor earnestly and unselfishly.