Seite 395 - Gospel Workers 1915 (1915)

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Economy in Mission Work
In some places the work must begin in a small way, and advance
slowly. This is all that the laborers can do. But in many cases a wider
and more decided effort might be made at the outset, with good results.
The work in England might now be much farther advanced than it is if
our brethren, at the beginning of the work there, had not tried to work
in so cheap a way. If they had hired good halls, and carried forward the
work as though we had great truths, which would surely be victorious,
they would have had greater success. God would have the work started
in such a way that the first impressions given shall be, as far as they
go, the very best that can be made.
Be careful to maintain the elevated character of the missionary
work. Let all connected with our missions, both men and women, be
constantly inquiring, “What am I? and what ought I to be and to do?”
Let all remember that they cannot give to others what they themselves
do not possess; therefore they should not settle down content with
their natural ways and habits, seeking to make no change for the better.
Paul says, “I press toward the mark.” [
Philippians 3:14
.] There must
be constant reformation, unceasing advancement, if we would perfect
a symmetrical character.
* * * * *
The Lord wants men who see the work in its greatness, and who
understand the principles that have been interwoven with it from its
rise. He will not have a worldly order of things come in to fashion
the work in altogether different lines from those He has marked out
for His people. The work must bear the character of its Originator.—
Testimonies for the Church 7:209
* * * * *
In establishing the work in new places, economize in every possible
way. Gather up the fragments; let nothing be lost. The work of soul-
saving must be carried on in the way that Christ has marked out. He
declares, “If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and
take up his cross, and follow Me.” [
Matthew 16:24
.] Only by obeying
this word can we be His disciples. We are nearing the end of this earth’s
history, and the different lines of God’s work are to be carried forward