Seite 425 - Gospel Workers 1915 (1915)

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“Consider One Another”
The angels look with awe and amazement upon the mission of
Christ to the world. They marvel at the love that moved Him to give
Himself a sacrifice for the sins of men. But how lightly human beings
regard the purchase of His blood!
* * * * *
We need not begin by trying to love one another. The love of Christ
in the heart is what is needed. When self is submerged in Christ, true
love springs forth spontaneously.
In patient forbearance we shall conquer. It is patience in service
that brings rest to the soul. It is through humble, diligent, faithful
toilers that the welfare of Israel is promoted. A word of love and
encouragement will do more to subdue the hasty temper and wilful
disposition than all the faultfinding and censure that you can heap
upon the erring one.
The Master’s message must be declared in the Master’s spirit. Our
only safety is in keeping our thoughts and impulses under the control
of the great Teacher. Angels of God will give to every true worker a
rich experience in doing this. The grace of humility will mould our
words into expressions of Christlike tenderness.—
Testimonies for the
Church 7:265, 266