Seite 444 - Gospel Workers 1915 (1915)

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Gospel Workers 1915
the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither labored in vain.”
Philippians 2:15, 16
Every impulse of the Holy Spirit leading men to goodness and to
God, is noted in the books of heaven, and in the day of God every one
who has given himself as an instrument for the Holy Spirit’s working,
will be permitted to behold what his life has wrought....
Wonderful will be the revealing as the lines of holy influence, with
their precious results, are brought to view. What will be the gratitude
of souls that will meet us in the heavenly courts, as they understand the
sympathetic, loving interest which has been taken in their salvation!
All praise, honor, and glory will be given to God and to the Lamb for
our redemption; but it will not detract from the glory of God to express
gratitude to the instrumentality He has employed in the salvation of
souls ready to perish.
The redeemed will meet and recognize those whose attention they
have directed to the uplifted Saviour. What blessed converse they will
have with these souls! “I was a sinner,” it will be said, “without God
and without hope in the world; and you came to me, and drew my
attention to the precious Saviour as my only hope. And I believed in
Him. I repented of my sins, and was made to sit together with His
saints in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.” Others will say: “I was a
heathen in heathen lands. You left your friends and comfortable home,
and came to teach me how to find Jesus, and believe in Him as the
only true God. I demolished my idols, and worshiped God, and now I
see Him face to face. I am saved, eternally saved, ever to behold Him
whom I love. I then saw Him only with the eye of faith, but now I
see Him as He is. I can now express my gratitude for His redeeming
mercy to Him who loved me, and washed me from my sins in His own
Others will express their gratitude to those who fed the hungry
and clothed the naked. “When despair bound my soul in unbelief, the
Lord sent you to me,” they say, “to speak words of hope and comfort.
You brought me food for my physical necessities, and you opened
to me the word of God, awakening me to my spiritual needs. You
treated me as a brother. You sympathized with me in my sorrows, and
restored my bruised and wounded soul, so that I could grasp the hand
of Christ that was reached out to save me. In my ignorance you taught
me patiently that I had a Father in heaven who cared for me. You read