Seite 62 - Gospel Workers 1915 (1915)

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Gospel Workers 1915
time in study, and put into practice the knowledge acquired. Hard
study and hard work are required to make a successful minister or a
successful worker in any branch of God’s cause. Nothing less than
constant cultivation will develop the value of the gifts that God has
bestowed for wise improvement.
A great injury is often done our young men by permitting them
to begin to preach when they have not sufficient knowledge of the
Scriptures to present our faith in an intelligent manner. Some who
enter the field are novices in the Scriptures. In other things also they are
incompetent and inefficient. They cannot read the Scriptures without
hesitating, mispronouncing words, and jumbling them together in such
a manner that the word of God is abused. Those who cannot read
correctly should learn to do so, and should become apt to teach, before
they attempt to stand before the public.
The teachers in our schools are obliged to apply themselves closely
to study, that they may be prepared to instruct others. These teachers
are not accepted until they have passed a critical examination, and
their capabilities to teach have been tested by competent judges. No
less caution should be used in the examination of ministers; those who
are about to enter upon the sacred work of teaching Bible truth to the
world, should be carefully examined by faithful, experienced men.
The teaching in our schools is not to be the same as in other colleges
and seminaries. It is not to be of an inferior order; the knowledge
essential to prepare a people to stand in the great day of God is to be
made the all-important theme. The students are to be fitted to serve
God, not only in this life, but in the future life. The Lord requires that
our schools shall fit students for the kingdom to which they are bound.
Thus they will be prepared to blend in the holy, happy harmony of the
Let those who have been trained for service now take their places
quickly in the Lord’s work. House-to-house laborers are needed. The
Lord calls for decided efforts to be put forth in places where the people
know nothing of Bible truth. Singing and praying and Bible-readings
are needed in the homes of the people. Now, just now, is the time to
obey the commission, “Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever
I have commanded you.” [
Matthew 28:20
.] Those who do this work
must have a ready knowledge of the Scriptures. “It is written” is to be
their weapon of defense. God has given us light on His word, that we