Seite 81 - Gospel Workers 1915 (1915)

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“Study to Show Thyself Approved”
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During the night many scenes passed before men, and many points
in reference to the work that we are to do for our Master, the Lord
Jesus Christ, were made plain and clear. Words were spoken by One of
authority, and I will try to repeat in finite words the instruction given
regarding the work to be done. The heavenly Messenger said:
The ministry is becoming enfeebled because men are assuming the
responsibility of preaching without gaining the needed preparation for
this work. Many have made a mistake in receiving credentials. They
will have to take up work to which they are better adapted than the
preaching of the word. They are being paid from the tithe, but their
efforts are feeble, and they should not continue to be paid from this
fund. In many ways the ministry is losing its sacred character.
Those who are called to the ministry of the word are to be true,
self-sacrificing laborers. God calls for men who realize that they
must put forth earnest effort, men who bring thought, zeal, prudence,
capability, and the attributes of Christ’s character into their labors.
The saving of souls is a vast work, which calls for the employment of
every talent, every gift of grace. Those engaged in it should constantly
increase in efficiency. They should have an earnest desire to strengthen
their powers, knowing that they will be weak without a constantly
increasing supply of grace. They should seek to attain larger and still
larger results in their work. When this is the experience of our workers,
fruit will be seen. Many souls will be won to the truth.
* * * * *
Higher than the highest human thought can reach is God’s ideal
for His children. Godliness—Godlikeness—is the goal to be reached.
Before the student here is opened a path of continual progress. He has
an object to achieve, a standard to attain, that includes everything good,
and pure, and noble. He will advance as fast and as far as possible in
every branch of true knowledge.—
Education, 18