Seite 83 - Gospel Workers 1915 (1915)

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Canvassing as an Education For the Ministry
The human agent will learn how to represent the divine Companion
with whom he is associated. To that unseen Holy One he will show
respect and reverence, because he is wearing His yoke and is learning
His pure, holy ways. Those who have faith in this divine Attendant
will develop. They will be gifted with power to clothe the message of
truth with a sacred beauty.—
Testimonies for the Church 6:322
* * * * *
Follow on, young men, to know the Lord, and you will know
that “His going forth is prepared as the morning.” [
Hosea 6:3
.] Seek
constantly to improve. Strive earnestly for close fellowship with the
Redeemer. Live by faith in Christ. Do the work He did. Live for the
saving of the souls for whom He laid down His life. Try in every way
to help those with whom you come in contact Talk with your Elder
Brother, who will complete your education line upon line, precept
upon precept, here a little and there a little. A close connection with
Him who offered Himself as a sacrifice to save a perishing world, will
make you acceptable workers.—
Testimonies for the Church 6:416