Seite 88 - Gospel Workers 1915 (1915)

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Gospel Workers 1915
Paul made it a part of his work to educate young men for the gospel
ministry. He took them with him on his missionary journeys, and thus
they gained an experience that later enabled them to fill positions of
responsibility. When separated from them, he still kept in touch with
their work, and his letters to Timothy and Titus are an evidence of
how deep was his desire for their success. “The things that thou hast
heard,” he wrote, “commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to
teach others also.” [
2 Timothy 2:2
This feature of Paul’s work teaches an important lesson to ministers
today. Experienced laborers do a noble work when, instead of trying
to carry all the burdens themselves, they train younger men, and place
burdens on their shoulders. It is God’s desire that those who have
gained an experience in His cause, shall train young men for His
The younger worker must not become so wrapped up in the ideas
and opinions of the one in whose charge he is placed, that he will
forfeit his individuality. He must not lose his identity in the one who
is instructing him, so that he dare not exercise his own judgment, but
does what he is told, irrespective of his own understanding of what
is right and wrong. It is his privilege to learn for himself of the great
Teacher. If the one with whom he is working pursues a course which
is not in harmony with a “Thus saith the Lord,” let him not go to some
outside party, but let him go to his superior in office, and lay the matter
before him, freely expressing his mind. Thus the learner may be a
blessing to the teacher. He must faithfully discharge his duty. God
will not hold him guiltless if he connives at a wrong course of action,
however great may be the influence or responsibility of the one taking
the wrong course.
Young men will be bidden to link up with the aged standard-
bearers, that they may be strengthened and taught by these faithful
ones, who have passed through so many conflicts, and to whom,
through the testimonies of His Spirit, God has so often spoken, point-
ing out the right way and condemning the wrong. When perils arise
which try the faith of God’s people, these pioneer workers are to re-
count the experiences of the past, when in just such crises the truth
was questioned, and strange sentiments, proceeding not from God,
were brought in. Today Satan is seeking opportunities to tear down the
waymarks of truth,—the monuments that have been raised up along