Working with the Angels, April 5
Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them
who shall be heirs of salvation?
Hebrews 1:14
One part of the ministry of heavenly angels is to visit our world and
oversee the work of the Lord which is in the hands of His stewards. In
every time of necessity they minister to those who as co-workers with
God are striving to carry forward His work in the earth.... The angelic
hosts rejoice whenever any part of God’s work prospers.
Angels are interested in the spiritual welfare of all who are seeking
to restore the moral image of God in man, and the human family are to
connect with the heavenly family in binding up the wounds and bruises
that sin has made. Angelic agencies, though invisible, are cooperating
with visible human agencies, forming a relief association with men. The
very angels who, when Satan was seeking the supremacy, fought the battle
in the heavenly courts and triumphed on the side of God, the very angels
who shouted for joy over the creation of our world and over the creation
of our first parents to inhabit the earth, the angels who witnessed the
fall of man and his expulsion from his Eden home—these very heavenly
messengers are most intensely interested to work in union with the fallen,
redeemed race for the salvation of human beings perishing in their sins.
Human agencies are the hands of heavenly instrumentalities, for heav-
enly angels employ human hands in practical ministry.... By uniting with
these powers that are omnipotent, we are benefited by their higher educa-
tion and experience. Thus, as we become partakers of the divine nature
and separate selfishness from our lives, special talents for helping one
another are granted us....
With what joy and delight Heaven looks upon these blended influ-
ences! All heaven is watching those agencies that are as the hand to work
out the purposes of God in the earth, thus doing the will and purpose of
God in heaven. Such cooperation accomplishes a work that brings honor
and glory and majesty to God. Oh, if all would love as Christ has loved,
that perishing men might be saved from ruin, what a change would come
to our world!