Feelings Not a Test, April 29
Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he
is faithful that promised).
Hebrews 10:23
The religion of Christ is not a religion of mere emotion. You cannot
depend upon your feelings for an evidence of acceptance with God, for
feelings are variable. You must plant your feet on the promises of God’s
Word ... and learn to live by faith.
As soon as one begins to contemplate his feelings he is on dangerous
ground. If he feels happy and joyous, then he is very confident and has
very pleasing emotions. The change will come. There are circumstances
that occur which bring depression and sad feelings; then the mind will
naturally begin to doubt whether the Lord is with him or not.
Now, the feelings must not be made the test of the spiritual state, be
they good or be they discouraging. The word of God is to be our evidence
of our true standing before Him. Many are bewildered on this point....
If you confess your sins, believe they are pardoned, because the
promise is positive. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to for-
give us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (
1 John 1:9
Why, then, dishonor God by doubting His pardoning love? Having con-
fessed your sins, believe that the word of God will not fail, but that He
is faithful that hath promised. It is just as much your duty to believe that
God will fulfill His word and forgive your sins as it is your duty to confess
your sins. Your faith must be exercised in God as one who will do just as
He has said He would do—pardon all your transgressions....
Oh, how very many go mourning, sinning and repenting, but always
under a cloud of condemnation! They do not believe the word of the Lord.
They do not believe that He will do just as He said He would do.... You
hurt the heart of Christ by doubting, when He has given us such evidences
of His love in giving His own life to save us that we should not perish but
have everlasting life.
We must trust; we must educate and train our souls to believe the word
of God implicitly.