“Unto a Perfect Man“, June 27
Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the
Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of
the fulness of Christ.
Ephesians 4:13
As we advance step by step in the path of obedience, we shall know
how true is the promise that they who follow on to know the Lord shall
know that His going forth is prepared as the morning. Clearer light is
ready to shine upon all who follow Him who is the Light of the world.
Every one who takes upon him the yoke of Christ, with full determination
to obey the word of God, will have a healthy, symmetrical experience. He
will enjoy the blessings that come to him as a result of the hiding of his
life with Christ in God.
In business life he will work out the principles laid down in Christ’s
sermon on the mount. He will renounce the bag of deceitful weights and
will despise the fraud of tricks in trade.... He has an abiding sense that
he is a part of the heavenly firm and that it is his duty to trade upon the
talents given him by God. He realizes that he is adopted into the family
of God and that he must act toward all as Christ acted when He was upon
this earth.
What a diligent, constant work is the work of a true Christian. Ever
he wears the yoke of Christ.... He has genuine modesty, and does not talk
of his qualifications and accomplishments. Self-admiration is not a part
of his experience. There is much to learn in regard to what comprises
true Christian character. It certainly is not self-inflation.... The glory and
majesty of God should ever fill our souls with a holy awe, humbling us
in the dust before Him. His condescension, His wide, deep compassion,
His tenderness and love, are given us to strengthen our confidence and
remove that fear which tendeth unto bondage. The Lord wants us to give
Him all there is of us in a steady, evenly balanced Christian life....
Let us not endure the thought of being religious dwarfs.... We must
ever be growing unto the full stature of men and women in Christ Jesus,
till we are complete in Him. Christ will come and abide with every soul
who will say from the heart, Come in. He loves every one who has a
desire to follow Him.