A Message to Parents, July 20
And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine
heart: and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and
shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou
walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest
Deuteronomy 6:6, 7
Parents should be united in their faith, that they may be united in
their efforts to bring their children up in the belief of the truth. Upon
the mother in a special sense rests the work of molding the minds of the
young children.... Business matters often keep the father much from home
and prevent him from taking an equal share in the training of the children,
but whenever he can, he should unite with the mother in this work. Let
parents work unitedly, instilling into their children’s hearts the principles
of righteousness.
There has been too little definite work done in preparing our children
for the tests that all must meet in their contact with the world and its
influences. They have not been helped as they should to form characters
strong enough to resist temptation and stand firm for the principles of right,
in the terrible issues before all who remain faithful to the commandments
of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ.
Parents need to understand the temptations that the youth must daily
meet, that they may teach them how to overcome them. There are influ-
ences in the school and in the world that parents need to guard against.
God wants us to turn our eyes from the vanities and pleasures and am-
bitions of the world, and set them on the glorious and immortal reward
of those who run with patience the race set before them in the gospel.
He wants us to educate our children to avoid the influences that would
draw them away from Christ. The Lord is soon coming, and we must
prepare for this solemn event.... Let your daily life in the home reveal the
living principles of the Word of God. Heavenly agencies will cooperate
with you as you seek to reach the standard of perfection and as you seek
to teach your children how to conform their lives to the principles of
righteousness. Christ and heavenly agencies are waiting to quicken your
spiritual sensibilities, to renew your activities, and to teach you of the
deep things of God.