Faithful in Little Things, August 23
These were the potters, and those that dwelt among plants and
hedges: there they dwelt with the king for his work.
Chronicles 4:23
The Lord designs that the mind of the youthful Christian should be
trained and developed, that the young soldier may be capable of the highest
effort; but this can be done only as you cooperate with the heavenly
intelligences, appropriating to yourself every opportunity and privilege
for your training and culture. The Lord desires that you should be faithful
in little things, that you do the everyday duties which appear small and
unimportant, thoroughly, and to the best of your ability. You are in danger
the moment you are satisfied in doing carelessly the work committed to
your hands. Remember that what is worth doing at all is worth doing well.
Satan is ever near to tempt him who would be a worker for God,
suggesting to him that it will matter little if the work is slighted, for no
one will know that it has been done negligently. Let none of you be
deceived with this suggestion; for you will know yourself that you have
not done your duty, and will lose respect for yourself and confidence in
yourself. You will know that you are not doing your best for God, and
you will realize that God understands all your neglect. Do not be slack,
for the habit will grow upon you and be made manifest not only in your
outward affairs but in your spiritual life. In doing superficial work you
will receive a training that will wholly unfit you for the duties of this life
or the enjoyment of the next.
In the plan that God has for every Christian there are no nonessentials.
There are lessons for each one to learn in the daily experience. Be patient,
and perform faithfully the work given you, however humble it may be.
Go about your work calmly, relying upon God for strength. Look not
anxiously into the morrow. Today employ your time to the very best
account. Today let your light shine for Christ, even in the performance of
little duties.... The faithful performance of today’s duties will prepare you
to take hold of tomorrow’s work with fresh courage, saying, “Hitherto
hath the Lord helped me” (
1 Samuel 7:12
)! Ever stand as minutemen
before God.