Page 275 - In Heavenly Places (1967)

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None Need Be Overcome, September 12
Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried,
he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to
them that love him.
James 1:12
When trials come into our lives, when clouds darken the horizon, how
ready we are to forget that Jesus is our Saviour, that behind the clouds the
Sun of Righteousness is shining, that angels are close beside us, preserving
us from harm. I would say to the despairing, Look and live. Hope thou
in God, for on Calvary’s cross a complete sacrifice was offered for you.
Jesus is the sinner’s Friend, the sinner’s Redeemer. Eternal joy—a life of
undimmed happiness—awaits the one who surrenders all to Christ. Look
away from yourself to Jesus, who is pleading before the throne of God in
your behalf. Listen to His words, “Come unto me, ... and I will give you
rest.” “Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out” (
Matthew 11:28
John 6:37
). With the hand of faith grasp the promises of God. Appropriate
these blessings to yourself, not at some future time, but today.
The strongest temptation cannot excuse sin. However great the pres-
sure brought to bear upon the soul, transgression is our own act. It is not
in the power of earth or hell to compel anyone to do evil. Satan attacks us
at our weakest points, but we need not be overcome. However severe or
unexpected the attack, God has provided help for us, and in His strength
we may conquer. In the hour of greatest need, when discouragement
overwhelms the soul, then it is that Jesus comes very near. The hour of
man’s necessity is God’s opportunity. He sees our danger and provides
help for us....
Do not think that when you walk with Jesus you must walk in the
shadow. The happiest people in the world are those who trust in Jesus and
gladly do His bidding. He is the light of life. From the lives of those who
follow Him unrest and discontent are banished. With a full heart they echo
the words of the wise man, Wisdom’s “ways are ways of pleasantness,
and all her paths are peace” (
Proverbs 3:17
). Though they meet with trials
and difficulties, their lives are full of joy; for Christ walks beside them,
and His presence makes the pathway bright.