“Be Strong”, September 27
Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.
Corinthians 16:13
Let all bear in mind that the Christian ministration is not a work
for drones. God calls for men who will do and dare danger. Hold no
parleying with Satan, but meet him with “It is written.” “Quit you like
men, be strong.” Faith alone, unfeigned, can be the basis of our actions and
prove by a clean, pure example that it is possible to be active, “Not slothful
in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord” (
Romans 12:11
), and then
all commercial enterprises will be conducted on Bible principles....
We wish to repeat over and over again, until it is indelibly imprinted
upon the heart, the blessed invitation, Abide in Me. Read the Word, and
in the light of a “Thus saith the Lord,” meditate upon it. Pray until the
lesson and meaning of
abiding in
is fully learned, accompanied with its
claims and its promises. The Holy Spirit, Christ’s representative, is now
in our world to bring all things to our remembrance, that His claims shall
not be forgotten or neglected. Read the Word and pray. Meditate on the
Scriptures until the understanding, the gate to the door to the heart, is
opened to comprehend its requirements and our dependence. Those who
will wait to hear what the Spirit saith unto them shall not hear in vain. Fix
the eye upon Christ alone in quiet waiting upon Him to hear His voice
saying, “Abide in me, and I in you.” ...
There are many who come to the Saviour in a feeble way. They receive
baptism and yet there is no apparent change in their character. We would
invite all to come, all to abide in Christ, to advance daily in the perfection
of character by abiding in Christ. As they do this, they find that rest that
can come only through perfect obedience.
But I warn you, be careful how you settle down in the middle walk
between spirituality and worldliness. “Ye cannot serve God and mammon”
Matthew 6:24
). You will be wholly on one side or the other.... Christ
draws to His side; Satan hangs out every attraction to draw on his side.
Whom will you choose? Under whose banner will you stand?