Ever Remember Your High Calling, October 19
Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance
of these things, though ye know them, and be established in the
present truth.
2 Peter 1:12
No matter how long we may have been traveling in the way of life
eternal we need often to recount the mercies of our heavenly Father toward
us and gather hope and courage from the promises of His Word....Peter
realized the value of constant vigilance in the Christian life, and he felt
impelled by the Holy Spirit to urge upon the believers the importance of
exercising great carefulness in the daily life....
“Always in remembrance.” Oh, if only we were to keep before our
minds those things that pertain to our eternal welfare, we should not
engage in any foolishness or idle speaking! Our lifework is before us. It
is for us to give diligence to make our calling and election sure, by giving
heed to the plain instruction contained in God’s Holy Word....
There are many wrong things which we allow to pass by unnoticed,
when by our godly conversation we might set an example of rightdoing
that would be a standing rebuke to the evildoers. We cannot afford by
our example to seem to sanction wrongdoing. There is a heaven to win
and a hell to shun. In large churches of believers... there is special danger
of lowering the standard. Where many are gathered together some are
more liable to grow careless and indifferent than they would be if isolated
and made to stand alone. But even under adverse circumstances we may
watch unto prayer and set an example in godly conversation that will be a
powerful testimony for the right.... We cannot afford to speak words that
would discourage our fellow pilgrims in the Christian pathway. Christ has
given His life in order that we might live with Him in glory. Throughout
eternity He will bear in His hands the prints of the cruel nails by which
He was transfixed to the cross of Calvary....
We are now fitting up for the future, eternal life; and soon, if faithful,
we shall see the gates of the city of our God swing back on their glittering
hinges that the nations who have kept the truth may enter in to their eternal