Abiding in Christ, February 18
Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself,
except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.
John 15:4
It is not a casual touch with Christ that is needed, but it is to abide
with Him. He called you to abide with Him. He does not propose to
you a short-lived blessedness that is realized occasionally through earnest
seeking of the Lord and passes away as you engage in the common duties
of life. Your abiding with Christ makes every necessary duty light, for
He bears the weight of every burden. He has prepared for you to abide
with Him. This means that you are to be conscious of an abiding Christ,
that you are continually with Christ, where your mind is encouraged and
Do not stand outside of Christ, as many professed Christians of today.
To “abide in me, and I in you” is a possible thing to do, and the invitation
would not be given if you could not do this. Jesus our Saviour is constantly
drawing you by His Holy Spirit, working with your mind that you will
abide with Christ.... The blessings He bestows are all connected with
your own individual action. Shall Christ be refused? He says, “Him that
cometh to me I will in no wise cast out” (
John 6:37
). Of another class He
says, “Ye will not come to me, that ye might have life” (
John 5:40
Have you, have I, fully comprehended the gracious call, “Come unto
me”? He says, “Abide
me,” not Abide
Me. “Do understand My
call. Come to Me to stay with Me.” He will freely bestow all blessings
connected with Himself upon all who come to Him for life. He has
something better for you than a short-lived blessedness that you feel when
you seek the Lord in earnest prayer. That is but as a drop in the bucket, to
have a word with Christ. You are privileged with His abiding presence in
the place of a short-lived privilege that is not lasting as you engage in the
duties of life.... Will anxiety, perplexity, and cares drive you away from
Christ? Are we less dependent upon God when in the workshop, in the
field, in the market-place? ... The Lord Jesus will abide with you and you
with Him in every place.