“Without Offence”, February 24
That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be
sincere and without offence till the day of Christ; being filled with
the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory
and praise of God.
Philippians 1:10, 11
The Lord presents before His finite creatures no impossibilities.... The
power of a higher, purer, nobler life is our great need. God’s people are
to be filled with holy joy, that its radiance may shine forth from them,
brightening the pathway of others. What power, what peace, what joy the
soul may have that is united with Christ! The divine splendor is revealed
to those who commune with Him who is the source of power.
We know little of the peace and happiness and joy of heaven. We need
more efficiency. We need to receive from Christ the water of life, that it
may be in us a well of water, refreshing all who come within the sphere
of our influence....
At our baptism we pledged ourselves to break all connection with
Satan and his agencies, and to put heart and mind and soul into the work
of extending the kingdom of God. All heaven is working for this object.
The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are pledged to cooperate with
sanctified human instrumentalities. If we are true to our vow, there is
opened to us a door of communication with heaven—a door that no human
hand or satanic agency can close....
Moral and spiritual perfection, through the grace and power of Christ,
is promised to all who believe. At every step we are to ask for the help
of Christ. He is the model we are to follow in character building. He
calls for deeds, not words, saying, “Let your light so shine before men,
that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in
heaven” (
Matthew 5:16
Christ is the source of light, the fountain of life.... It is His purpose
that human beings, purified and sanctified, shall be His helping hand. He
leads us to the throne of God and gives us a prayer to offer to Him. When
we live this prayer we are brought into close contact with Christ; at every
step we touch His living power. In our behalf He sets in operation the
all-powerful agencies of heaven.