Seite 11 - Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists (1886)

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Love and Forbearance among Brethren
It does not please God to have his servants censure, criticise, and
condemn one another. He has given them a special work, that of
standing in defense of truth. They are his workmen; all should respect
them, and they should respect one another. In the army, officers are
required to respect their fellow-officers, and the privates soon learn
the lesson. When the leaders of the people in the Christian warfare are
kind and forbearing, and manifest a special love and regard for their
co-laborers, they teach others to do the same.
The reputation of a fellow-laborer is to be sacredly guarded. If one
sees faults in another, he is not to magnify them before others, and
make them grievous sins. They may be errors of judgment, that God
will give divine grace to overcome. If he had seen that angels, who
are perfect, would have done the work for the fallen race better than
men, he would have committed it to them. But instead of this he sent
the needed assistance by poor, weak, erring mortals, who, having like
infirmities as their fellow-men, are best prepared to help them.
There was Peter, who denied his Lord. After he had fallen and
been converted, Jesus said to him, “Feed my lambs.” Before Peter’s
feet slipped, he had not the spirit of meekness required to feed the
lambs; but after he became sensible of his own weakness, he knew just
how to teach the erring and fallen; he could come close to their side in
tender sympathy, and could help them.
In beginning missionary work in new fields, a great mistake is often
made in not calling into exercise all the talents that might be employed
in the work. Sometimes those who have excellent ability make great
mistakes when they begin to work; but are they to be dropped because
of this? No, indeed. Let them be patiently, perseveringly educated and
trained, and in nine cases out of ten they will become useful workers.
My brethren in the ministry, I entreat of you to be just as kind and
forbearing toward those who are new in the faith, as you wanted others
to be toward you when you first came to the knowledge of the truth.
In meekness and love teach them to bear responsibilities, and to labor
for others. Jesus loves them just as much as he does you, and is just
as willing to help them if they will learn to trust in him. If you see
imperfections in them, do not discourage them and drive them from
the truth by manifesting an overbearing, critical spirit. This is not the
spirit of Christ. What does God say? “Come now, and let us reason
together.” He does not say, You are defective, and I will have nothing