Seite 118 - Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists (1886)

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114 Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists
fire-place. When the wood has burned down to a coal, the doors are
shut, and the drafts closed. Thus the whole structure becomes heated,
and retains its warmth all day. In most Swedish houses, one of these
stoves is to be found in nearly every room except the kitchen.
This sister’s husband had not taken his stand on the truth, but his
interest was with our people. He was a salesman in a large cloak and
fur store, and, to all appearance, it would be impossible for him to
keep the fourth commandment and retain his position.
The Scandinavian children seem remarkably quiet and well trained.
Wherever we went, they came forward, one by one, and shook hands
with us, the girls making a courtesy, and the boys a low bow. Sis-
ter Johanneson’s four children, from the girl of eight down to the
three-year-old boy, welcomed us in this manner when we came; and
whenever they met us, morning, noon, or evening, the greeting was
repeated. At another place where we visited, even the little girl of two
and a half years went through the ceremony with credit.
Mr. Johanneson was training his children in singing, and we
enjoyed the music of their little voices blending together in sacred
songs. If parents generally would give more time to the education
and training of their children, having really a home school for them,
their families would be far happier. Children who are gifted with the
talent or love of music may receive impressions that will be lifelong
by a judicious use of these susceptibilities as the medium for religious
instruction. Less time should be spent in the ornamentation of clothing,
and far more attention should be given to making the character lovely.
It is the inward adorning that will endure; the influences which give
direction to these young lives will be far-reaching as eternity.