Seite 135 - Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists (1886)

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In Orebro, as well as in Copenhagen, I am convinced that we
might have had a good hearing if our brethren had secured a suitable
hall to accommodate the people. But they did not expect much, and
therefore did not receive much. We cannot expect people to come out
to hear unpopular truth when the meetings are advertised to be held
in a basement, or in a small hall that will seat only a hundred persons.
The character and importance of our work are judged by the efforts
made to bring it before the public. When these efforts are so limited,
the impression is given that the message we present is not worthy of
notice. Thus by their lack of faith our laborers sometimes make the
work very hard for themselves.
While we were here, this matter was presented to me in a dream.
The question was asked one of our laborers, “How far would a light
send its rays if it were placed under a bushel?” “No farther than the
compass of the bushel,” was the answer. “How far would it shine if
put under a bed?” “It would not illuminate the room,” replied the one
addressed; “it would be too low and too obscure.” “Then,” said the
questioner, “place your light on a candlestick, and it will give light to
all that are in the house. Your ideas need to be enlarged and elevated.
The people have lost an opportunity to obtain light that God desired
them to have.” When the Lord sends his people help, they should show
that they value it. Those who stand at the head of the work in these
countries should be careful that they do not give it a narrow mould. As
they treat the work, so will be the impression made upon the minds
of those who are left to carry it forward in their absence. Brethren,
we need less of self, and more of Jesus. We should seize upon every
God-given privilege and opportunity, and by example as well as words
show the sacredness and importance of the message of warning which
God sends to the world.