Seite 155 - Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists (1886)

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Labor for the Church
together to some secret place to plead with God, and they would return
with their hearts knit together in love. The sweet spirit of peace was in
our assemblies, and the glory of God was around us. The faces of the
believers shone with the light of heaven.
In this great day of atonement our work is that of heart-searching,
of self-abasement, and confession of sin, each humbling his own soul
before God, and seeking pardon for himself individually. Anciently
every one that did not on the day of atonement afflict his soul, was cut
off from the people. God would have us work out our own salvation
with fear and trembling. If each will search and see what sins are
lurking in his own heart to shut out Jesus, he will find such a work to
do that he will be ready to esteem others better than himself. He will
no longer seek to pluck the mote out of his brother’s eye while a beam
is in his own eye.
Let no Christian be found an accuser of the brethren. Satan is the
one who bears this title; he accuses them before God day and night,
he stirs up the enemies of our faith to accuse us, and he prompts those
of like precious faith to criticise and condemn one another. We are
not to take part in his work. These are days of trial and of great peril,
the adversary of souls is upon the track of every one; and while we
stand out separate from the world, we should press together in faith
and love. United, we are strong; divided, we are weak.
We are exhorted to love as brethren, to be kind, courteous, forbear-
ing, in honor preferring one another. Love for God and for one another
constitutes the divine credentials which the children of God bear to
the world. “By this,” said Jesus, “shall all men know that ye are my
disciples, if ye have love one to another.” Those who cherish this love
will sacredly guard the interests of one another. No evil reports will
be carried; tattling and gossip will cease; Christ and the truth will be
None who continue to cherish a querulous, fault-finding disposition
can enter heaven; for they would mar its peace and harmony. They
will be left outside the city of God, with all who stir up strife. Nor
should they be permitted to remain in the church to prevent unity and
destroy its usefulness. Let them be reproved, and if they do not change
their course, let them be separated from the church. But all may, if
they will, conquer these evil traits. The members of the church should
pledge themselves to walk together in harmony. Each should set a